

Review your profile

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Check out your Yipps and your income here! Also able to access to more services integrated with Yipps inside such as mobile top up, Rest n Go (Malaysia), TogaGo, and also Eshop!

Sticker Shop

Our own Sticker Artists community! Download cool stickers or create your own custom stickers to be used on chat or comment.

Scan QR

Invite new friends by sharing your QR code to them. Alternatively, you can scan other user's QR codes to connect!

Mini Program

小程序是一种新的开放能力,开发者可以快速地开发一个小程序。小程序可以在 Yippi 内被便捷地获取和传播,同时具有出色用户使用体验。

My Levels

Find out which level you are right now and entitled to what sorts of user privileges on Yippi!

Customer Service

Need help? Chat with us here!