Social Media For A Cause
In the light of the Corona Virus outbreak situation continues to affect our communities nationwide and abroad, our hearts and thoughts go out to those whose lives have been impacted by the virus.
As part of our social responsibility as a social media platform, Yippi wish to extend our precious support to those who has affected by this situation, hence since January up till April, with the help of a bunch of our awesome content creators, we have organised a series of Charity Live Streams where our content creators pledged that all tips and gifts received during the live stream sessions will be donated to organisations that helps to fight against the recovery of Corona Virus.
We would like to thank our content creators for such act of benevolence and also thank all donors that has participated in this series of charity campaign. We hope with the little act that we do, are able to help as much as possible to those who are in need, and more importantly bring out the importance of such cause to every one no matter which part of the world you are at.
In the meantime, stay safe, stay healthy and stay indoors for now. #stayhomewithyippi
Here are some results so far up till Apr 4