Laws and Regulations

  1. Violating the basic princiole by the Law constitution;
  2.  Endangering national security , leaking state secrets, threatening state power, and damaging national unity;
  3. Damaging national honors and interests;
  4. Inciting ethnic hatred, ethnic discrimination, and undermining social stability;
  5. Violating state religious policies or spreading immoral teachings; containing information that promotes religious or religious elements;
  6. Spreading false information, distrupting social order and undermining social stability;
  7. Spreading obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence. terror or promoting, encouraging or inciting crime;
  8. Discrimination, vilification, insulting or defamation of the state, social organisation or individual, or the legal rights of others;
  9. Incitement to the formation of illegal associations, mass processions and demonstrations that disrupt social order;
  10. Activities on behalf of illegal civil organizations;
  11. Describes violence or harassment of people or animals, or other information that leads discomfort to others;
  12. Information that interferes with the integrity, physical and mental formation of adolescents, such as encouraging minors to consume alcohol and tobacco;
  13. Contents that contain security threat or damage to users’ rights, including but not limited to the possibility of a Trojan virus and other malicious programs or endangering network security that results in user hacking. password theft, losing personal information, loss of propertv and so on;
  14. False or misleading issues, including but not limited to propaganda for the promotion of counterfeit products;
  15. Content that has clear advertisements and commercial promotional properties without permission from the authorities;
  16. Containing content that the relevant regulatory authorities prohibit, limit content distribution, promotion on the internet;
  17. Use functions of the authorities for illegal or legal business activities. other content prohibited by administrative or social development information that disrupts order, such as vulgar content, promotes drunk driving, excessive drinking, drug abuse, use narcotic drugs, suicide, self-harm. etc.

Right Protection

  1. Candidate must own the copyright or the sticker or have obtained authorization from the creator.
  2. It is prohibited to violate intellectual property rights and other legal rights of others such as trademarks. copyright, patents, etc.
  3. It is not permissible to submit works of unknown origin (for example, secondary creations without authorization, the work of the same person, etc.)
  4. It is prohibited to violate the personality rights of another person.
  5. The contents of the work must not contain content that violates the rights and interests of others.
  6. It cannot be similar to expressions published on Yippi

Submit Method

Please send the completed stickers and the required materials to

We will contact the designers after the review.